
revelation 3:7 13 sermons

It is a spiritual hospital for those who know they are sick and needy.[1] The church in Philadelphia understood this, and they are an example to us today of a church that was faithful, despite their weaknesses, they brought glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ by their faithful walk with Him, by their obedience to His Word, this is only the second letter out of the seven that receives no condemnation, only commendation. Like you are and will forever be stuck at a dead end of despair. Web[Programme TV Ouest-France] Sermons de minuit, Livre VII : Rvlation : retrouvez toutes les infos du programme, casting, diffusions, vidos, photos sur Programme TV par Ouest-France. Jesus was a name of anathema to him. All of us will suffer. > Most with handouts Because the diagnosis given by Jesus contains no mention of unhealthiness in the church. WebRevelation 3:7-13 THE KIND OF CHURCH GOD USES Intro: Of our Lords seven letters to the churches in Asia Minor, only two did not receive any sort of correction or rebuke. LaHabra, CA : The Lockman Foundation, 1995, [5]New American Standard Bible : 1995 Update. So once again, using the basic structure that we find in all of these mini-letters, let's listen to what Jesus tells the disciples in Philadelphia, and then consider what message Jesus is sending to us now through this message from long ago. It is in relationship to that event that Jesus says he is coming soon. Actually the word is not "from," but "out of" -- to be delivered out of -- not just the trial but out of the very time of the trial! This is not a negative comment to say that they are weak, but rather He is commending them for their strength. Psalm 40:1-3 Isaiah 40:31 Revelation 3:7-13 Beyond the sacred page I seek Thee, Lord. When we know Christ the Spirit comes to live within our hearts and to reside there. (1:1, 3), And behold, I am coming soon. (22:7) Behold, I am coming soon (22:12) Surely I am coming soon. (22:20). Sermon Notes 04_15_18- Revelation (31) April 8, 2018 . It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each one's work. To a church like the church at Philadelphia the Lord says he will open doors of ministry and service, and no one can shut them. WebRevelation 3:7-13 S. Conway If asked to sum up in a word the main lesson of this letter, I would quote the saying of our Lord recorded by St. Luke, "Fear not, little flock." WebRevelation 3:7-13 New International Version To the Church in Philadelphia 7 To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who In every case, it is power to live for God. WebRevelation 3:7-13 Well look at this under four headings: Two things you need to know, and then two results, two condsequences of what you know. I am the King of this kingdom. This promise depicts ownership, it means that as a Christian you belong to God, His name on you identifies you with God, it says that you will have an intimate, personal relationship with Him forever. Hudson Taylor went to minister in inland China. Jesus said, you have kept my word. These believers not only knew what Gods Word said, they believed it and obeyed its teachings, not deviating from the truths of the church, but they walked faithfully in them proving the authenticity of their faith and their love for Jesus Christ. Passage: Revelation 3:73:13, Philadelphia: Powerless, But PerseveringRevelation 3:7-13(One Mission: Through Many Tribulations)November 9th, 2014. In these seven letters we find an The crown, the winner's wreath is yours. What an encouragement that must have been for the Philadelphian church. He has loved us. If the doors to continued expansion are closing, it may be because we are disobedient, or it may presage the closing of this present age. But while the description here does not connect with the vision of chapter 1, it does connect with other parts of the book. So there is a uniqueness to this description, but in more ways than one. The Revelation of Jesus Christ revelation church Message 11 from Revelation exploring Jesus' letter to the church at Philadelphia. Let me begin by telling you a story of a man who They are in some sense powerless against the forces which oppose them. How could he have said to this church, 'I am coming soon?'" By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Kyfingers@aol.com This is a promise that believers will be made godlike. The Church On Trial Pt. But given the language about the open door and the key it's also safe to assume that these Jews were attempting to discourage the Christians. The rapture of the church is the subject of three passages in the New Testament: John 14:1-3, 1 Corinthians 15:51-54, and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 our scripture reading for this morning, none of these passages speak of judgment, but instead speak of the church being taken up to heaven. WebPr. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. Later in the vision, John would record this sight Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. "Because he will save his people from their sins," (Matthew 1:21). While Patrick minded his master's pigs in the nearby hills, he lived What he opens, no one can shut, and what he shuts, no one can open." The location of Philadelphia was at the junction of several trade routes and it became known as the gateway to the East. It was located in a volcanic region and the fertile soil of the area was well suited for growing grapes and the city was also famous for their wine, the chief god of the city was Dionysus, the Greek god of wine. These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of Yet how few of us enter into this! But in this letter, I think we find three more reminders for a suffering, reminders that can and should also give us comfort and courage when we face various trials (I Peter 1:6) or trials of various kinds (James 1:2). This open door given by the Lord Jesus also symbolizes His giving this faithful church opportunities for service. Run!. They are being persecuted. This Philadelphia was established by the Pergamum king Eumenes II in 189 BC. Number three, present feelings of serious danger can never change future blessings of certain delight. 12Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. This one is addressed to the church in Philadelphia. The book of Revelation mentions one who holds the Key of David. This prophecy also pointed to a greater fulfillment in the coming of the Messiah. In America when you The final promise is in the end of verse 10 which says, Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. (Revelation 3:10, NASB95)[10] Because the Christians in the church of Philadelphia had remained faithful and had patiently endured through many tests, Jesus promises to keep them from the ultimate test. March 25, 2012. No person or problem can close it. This is the church that delights Christ! Throughout the Old Testament we find God described as the Holy One. When we describe God as holy we are saying that He is completely separate from sin. Lets pray and then get into our passage for this morning. And it is particularly sent "to test those who live upon the earth." read more, Denomination: WebRead the Scripture: Revelation 3:7-13 Everyone knows that our historic American city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, named for the church to which we come today, means Look at the diagnosis of these believers, the assessment of this church, that Jesus announces, beginning in verse 8 I know your works. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the New Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name. Play: 12-15-96 The Rapture Controversy - Part 3 Revelation 3:10. The Apostle Paul uses this analogy about himself. It is as immovable as we will be in His presence. Notice how the context helps us make sense of all this key and door language. As I said earlier, this church receives no condemnation, but instead Christ outlines four realities that characterize this church. The words, "I know that you have little strength," is not what the Greek text says. Well, if some of these Christians were converted Jews, then there could have been all sorts pressure and slander from friends and family members. 11I am coming soon. His will cannot be opposed. The O Antipons are ancient prayers prayed the seven days before Christmas. The promise that Jesus is giving to the one who overcomes is that they will have an eternal place of honor in Gods temple and by not going out anymore spoke of the security that they would have in their eternal home, never have to flee from earthquakes or enemies. I'd encourage you to go to that message online if you want to dig into those ideas a little deeper. That is the second promise given to those who hold on, who stand fast in the midst of a decaying world. I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lostthe world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. LaHabra, CA : The Lockman Foundation, 1995. One feature about the city, which ties closely to us here in the Bay Area, was that the city was destroyed by an earthquake in 17A.D., along with Sardis and other cities in that locality. I'm not sure we can fully answer all the questions that statement raises about the timing of all these things. Number two, present feelings from actual animosity can never change future blessings of affirmed affection. Everyone There are eight woes that stand in contrast to the eight beatitudes ( Matthew 5:3-11 ). I am sometimes amazed at these modern translations. Eventually he was brought to see that salvation lay in Christ. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels. Do not let anybody take that away from you, says Jesus. Even today in our world filled with falsehood and error, Jesus Christ is the truth. In a smaller valley that branched off from the Hermus valley and provided the best means of ascending the 2500 feet from the Hermus valley to the vast central plateau, it was in this valley that the city was found. > Microsoft Word That reaction is highlighted here by the fact that when you truly represent the love and compassion of Christ, and you understand the promises of the Old Testament, you can communicate with Jews anywhere and find that they will come to respect what you say and do. WebRevelation 3:7-13 In-Context 5 The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. Tiberius Caesar helped Philadelphia to recover from the earthquake, and out of gratitude the city changed its name to Neocaesarea (New Caesar), and for awhile it bore that name. All Devotionals Videos Images Commentaries Other Translations Sermons Related Scriptures Podcasts Blogs. That is the reward which is offered, the opportunity for even greater service. This promise of Jesus to never go out again is a reference to the experience of these Philadelphians who had frequently to flee the city because of the earthquake tremors that came. This city was the youngest of the seven cities, it was founded in 189 B.C. The American missionary, Adoniram Judson, went out to Burma and pioneered a work in that country. [10] Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.". Life can be a maze of options, choices, decisions and goals. I mention these facts because they have a bearing on the promises to the church in this letter, as we will see. It conveys insights into life that you will find in no other place. This Awakening also encompasses the great Wesleyan Revival and George Whitefield's preaching in both England and America. WebRevelation 3:7-13 THE CHURCH OF THE OPEN DOOR Intro: We are continuing to move through the letters of our Lord to the seven churches of Asia Minor. He went into the saloons and mining camps of Montana and preached the gospel, winning hundreds to Christ. You think you are God's people. And so, keeping these things in mind, if we move onto the danger to consider, we discover that, just like we saw with the letter to the church in Smyrna in 2:8-11, this church is given no warning. The Passage: The Church in Philadelphia (3:7-13). Scriptures: Rev. (Revelation 3:10 NIV). 7) To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. Jesus goes on describing Himself as the One who opens and no one can shut and the One who shuts and no one can open. Verse by Verse Bible Study. Jesus Christ presents Himself to this church as the holy and true God, who is the ultimate and final authority. The beauty and excellence of this story cannot escape even the most casual reader, says Dr. J. Vernon McGee. When it comes to suffering 1) Jesus reminds us of the fact before the fight, 2) Jesus reminds us of the purpose behind the pain, and 3) Jesus reminds us of the crown beyond the cross. Website 2023 by Ray Stedman Ministries. November 9, 2014 read more, Scripture: Church history tells us that some Christians from Philadelphia were martyred with Polycarp in Smyrna. When Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to give birth He said in Luke 1:31-33, And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. As a result, they come at last and acknowledge God's blessing on the church at Philadelphia. As the world nears that final, climactic upheaval we should hear again his promise that he is coming soon. What he opens no one can shut, what he shuts, no one can open. We have many other great missionary names that come out of this period of history. It is certain. It means "Yahweh saves." This man was noted for the admiration and love he had for his brother, Eumenes, and he named this city in honor of him. Here He is shown with the keys to salvation and blessing. 1 Corinthians 1:1-26, Enriched. Bible > Revelation > Chapter 7 > Verse 13 Library Free Downloads eBibles Revelation 7:13 In the Jerusalem temple which was destroyed in 70A.D., there were two great pillars in front of the building, one called Jachin (which means "established, permanent"), and the other Boaz ("strength"). The Greek word translated from means from, out from, or away from. If the Lord Jesus intended to convey to the church that He would preserve them through the tribulation there are Greek prepositions that would have more clearly conveyed that, prepositions that mean in or through. Another clear objection to this being a promise to preserve us through the tribulation is that believers will not all be preserved, in fact many will be martyred. He has been waiting until his enemies be made his footstool, for long centuries. This church was a small church in numbers, but it was having a powerful impact on the city. What causes them to come at last and bow before the church and acknowledge God's blessing upon them? And when we do that, we realize that near the end of this book, God will tell these disciples even more about His temple and about His city, the New Jerusalem. LaHabra, CA : The Lockman Foundation, 1995, [10]New American Standard Bible : 1995 Update. What you know you need? Yet not far away from these countries is a closed door. Philadelphia was founded about 150 B.C. Again, as each of the five previous letters, the author begins by naming the church, the city and finally giving a description of Himself that identifies Him as the risen, glorified, exalted Lord Jesus Christ. [12] While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me. That view is unlikely, both on linguistic and biblical grounds. Because another power was at work within them. 6 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. But Jesus reminds us that our endurance now will mean protection later from the suffering that will come as a result of God's judgment. George Bowen" They have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb; therefore are they before the throne of God." (Isaiah 22:22). We want to continue on today, looking at the question, What does God think of His church? Here in Revelation 1, we find the He will open some doors; he will close other doors. He has and will intervene. Some of you have been listening to Tuvya Zaretsky during our Sunday School hour telling of his Jewish upbringing and how resistant he was to the gospel and to Christians. - Revelation 7:14-15. If you are faithful to death it will be proof of your salvation and no one can take that from you, no one can take the reward of your victors wreath. Then, Jesus says, "I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God and I will write on him my new name." He himself said, "When you see these things beginning to come to pass, lift up your head and rejoice, for your redemption is drawing near," (Luke 21:28). WebRevelation 7:13 Sermons: One of the elders answered, saying to me, "These who are arrayed in white robes, who are they, and from where did they come?" The answer is to see this promise in relationship to the context. Revelation 3:7-13. That is a reference to an incident recorded in the 22nd chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah. The one who possesses the key has control. S. Conway. [13] He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.. When you labor for me, says Jesus, you will reach a place where you will not have to go out ever again. We are "created unto good works." We need to remember that the presence of the Spirit is promised to each church without any condition whatsoever. Why don't I just give up? But it's either suffer for Jesus now, or suffer without Jesus then. Guests (We are honored) WebRevelation 3:7-13 King James Version 7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Foothold #4 taught us to always take this letter, this book of the Revelation as a whole. Mar 22 Wednesday Never again will he leave it. On this holy weeks meditations, we would see three chapters before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. My spirit pants for Thee, O Living Word. Assembly Of God. And it is not just for the leadership, but everybody in the church is to know God's Word. But he met Christians who treated him kindly and loved him despite his anger and hostility. Stats say 108 people die a minute. This term key of David is used in a prophecy on Isaiah 22:22, where it is prophesied that Eliakim, the prime minister to Israels king would bear the key of David. read more, Denomination: And if there wasn't already enough encouragement for this struggling church, Jesus heaps on the promises in verses 12 and 13. How? Web(Revelation 3:7-8) If the letter ended at verse here, however, I would be a liar, for I have often said that where there is quality there will eventually be quantity. Four realities that characterize this church was a small church in Philadelphia reader, says J.! At a dead end of despair 12-15-96 the Rapture Controversy - Part 3 Revelation 3:10 will not have go. Serious danger can never change future blessings of affirmed affection the midst of a decaying world what he shuts no... 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revelation 3:7 13 sermons